
"We First Give Them A State"

"The Camp David summit failed as they wanted a final agreement... now we would negotiate like two states...we have drawn conclusions from our failures."

Israeli foreign minister and Nobel Prize winner Shimon Peres was one of the architects of the Oslo Peace agreement signed between the Israeli government and the Palestinians. The agreement is now in tatters. Peres talks to Pinhas Inbari about the new initiatives for renewing peace in West Asia. Excerpts:
In a recent interview, Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz put forth a peace proposal asking Israel to withdraw to the position it held in 1967, in return for all Arab states recognising and normalising their relations with the country. What is your reaction?
It looks as if security deterioration is your main concern now. What are you going to do about it?
When you say 'opening up a political horizon', are you referring to your agreement with Abu Ala of the Palestinian Authority? What are its basic features?
What makes you think this initiative will succeed, considering that all others before it have collapsed?
What are your views on the fact that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has disqualified Arafat as a partner in the peace initiative?
The axis of evil is now the new doctrine of President George Bush.It looks like that the US is geared towards waging war against Iraq. What is Israel's position on this?
Do you consider Iran to be dangerous?
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