
The Net Censors

So much for the promise that the internet would liberate the oppressed. Just take the recently reported case of Shi Tao, a journalist working for a Chinese newspaper sentenced to 10 years in prison because of the "help" provided by Yahoo Holdings.

New York Times
The Lexus and the OliveTree


1. Jonathan Swift, 1726. Gulliver’s Travels. Part 4, Chapter 1.

2. Changsa Intermediate People’s Court of Hunan Province, 2005. First trial case no 29. In translation.

3. ibid.

4. Thomas Friedman, 1999. The Lexus and the Olive Tree. HarperCollins, London.

5. Leading article, 20th June 2005. U.S. firms help China censor fr**dom, d*mocr*cy. USA Today.

6. Google has removed the statement from its own site, but it can be read here.

7. 11. Eg Kris Kotarski, 29th June 2005. MSN, China pals in censorship. The Calgary Herald.

8. Open Net. Internet Filtering in China in 2004-2005: A CountryStudy

9. Eg Reporters Without Borders, 2005. Chinareport

10. Tim Johnson, 24th July 2005. Critics say U.S. companies enable censorship. The Miami Herald.

11. Eg James Kynge, 20th December 2001. News Corp clinches TV deal in China. Financial Times.

12. Murdoch called him "a very political old monk shuffling around in Gucci shoes". (This sounds to me like a rather better description of Rupert Murdoch). Eg Gwynne Dyer, 29th September 2001. Canberra Times.

13. Evelyn Iritani, 23rd March 2001. News Corp Heir Woos China With Show of Support. Los Angeles Times.

14. Agence France Presse, 20th December 2001. Murdoch’s News Corp looks for further China access after TV.

15. Quoted in Private Eye, 17th August 2005.

16. Lisa Sanders and Jean Halliday, 24th May 2005. BP Institutes ‘Ad-Pull’ Policy for Print Publications. Ad Age. Com. Republished atSpinwatch

17. ibid.

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