
Priest Puts Dead Foetus On Altar To Campaign For Trump

'America Will Not Reject Abortion Until America Sees Abortion', Says Father Pavone

It seems everyone is losing it ahead of the US Presidential Elections that happen today. On Facebook’s live stream, Texas-based Catholic priest Rev. Frank Pavone put up an aborted fetus on an altar on Sunday, in protest against the Democrats’ anit-abortion stance.

As of this morning, the 45-minute-long video has close to 2,93,000 views and it has Pavone hold up a graphic of abortion procedures. In his Facebook post, he says: “I am showing him to you because in this election we have to decide if we will allow this child killing to continue in America or not. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic platform says yes, let the child-killing continue (and you pay for it); Donald Trump and the Republican platform says no, the child should be protected.”

Reverend Pavone is known to be a high-profile anti-abortion activist in the US who has had his own share of issues with the leadership at the Catholic church. A blog written by Ed Mechmann for the Archdiocese of New York highlights his “revulsion” at the video.

“A priest of the Catholic Church publicly displayed on a sacred altar a dead baby who was the victim of a terrible crime as part of a propaganda video in favor of a political candidate,” he writes.

The Republican candidate Donald Trump is known to be divisive for anti-abortion activists. Earlier he had said that women who have abortions should be punished, a position he later reversed.

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