
No Stranded Indian

Every Indian who wanted to come back and whose papers were in order is being and has been evacuated from Lebanon, says the MEA, but refuses to comment on Khushab, maintaining that concrete steps to increase the credibility of Pakistan's offer had alr

Navtej Sarna: I have an update for you on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon(UNIFIL) and the action there. The Indian contingent with UNIFIL is safe and secure. All UNIFIL positions are still being manned and troops are taking safety precautions. The freedom of movement of the UNIFIL troops has however been curtailed due to close proximity to the area of confrontation.

The Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations in New York is in constant touch with the UN authorities and have stressed that high priority be accorded to the safety and security of the UNIFIL troops.

To give you the details of the contribution, India has contributed an Infantry Battalion and staff officers to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) since 1998. Currently, the strength of Indian contingent is 672 including staff officers. The Indian battalion deployed in UNIFIL is 4 SIKH. Brigadier J.P. Nehra of the Indian Army is the Deputy Force Commander of UNIFIL.

Question: Can you tell us something about the mandate?

Navtej Sarna: It is according to Security Council Resolution 425 of 1978 and 426 also of 1978, the UNIFIL was established to firstly, confirm the withdrawal of Israeli forces from southern Lebanon, secondly, to restore international peace and security and thirdly, to assist the Government of Lebanon in ensuring the return of its effective authority in the area. This mandate was extended most recently until July 31, 2006 by Security Council resolution 1655 of January 31 this year.

Question: Do you have any comments on the reports about the Khushab nuclear reactor in Pakistan?

Navtej Sarna: We have seen those news reports. If we have any detailed reaction, we will let you know.

Question: There is a news report that America has sent a list of 21 most-wanted terrorists to Pakistan and has asked for their immediate extradition. Do you have anything to say on that?

Navtej Sarna: This is something between United States and Pakistan.

Question: Any comments on Kasuri’s remarks in the interview with Karan Thapar?

Navtej Sarna: Our stands and positions on most of those issues have already been put in the public domain. If we have any detailed response on that, we will come back to you.

Question: Will the Foreign Secretary attend the SAARC Standing Committee meeting to be held in Dhaka on July 31 and August 1?

Navtej Sarna: Yes.

Question: Is he likely to meet the Pakistani Foreign Secretary there?

Navtej Sarna: Well, possibly; under the SAARC format, all Foreign Secretaries meet each other.

Question: …inaudible...

Navtej Sarna: This is a SAARC meeting. So take it as that.

Question: Are we asking for compensation for the UNIFIL soldier and what about the person who died...Mr. Swain?

Navtej Sarna: As far as the UNIFIL Indian soldier who was injured, there is a certain UN methodology which is used for working out a compensation for the person. So that will take place in due course.

Question: What about the compensation for the Indian national who died?

Navtej Sarna:
I have already expressed myself on that. It is an action which has taken place in a hostile environment, war conditions. So, while there may be compensations announced, we still have not heard any announcement on that. Since this question was raised yesterday also, let me carry on and tell you also that this matter has been discussed with the Israeli Ambassador here.

Question: Who raised it from our side?

Navtej Sarna:
Secretary (East).

Question: Are we not going beyond that?

Navtej Sarna:
You know this is an evolving situation. You must understand that this is a hostile situation; this is not a diplomatic situation. These issues are addressed at the end of hostilities - issues of reparation, issues of compensation etc. At the moment, our concern is to move Indians out of the areas of danger and to bring back as many Indians who want to come home safely. While I am on that subject, let me also say that I have seen news reports and television reports which are saying thousands of Indians are stranded. Let me make it clear that every Indian who wanted to come back and whose papers were in order is being and has been evacuated.

Question: I am asking only one question that an Indian has died without any fault of his and three others have been injured. I understand that it is a hostile environment for which we are not responsible. Having said that, what is the Indian government doing about talking to the warring parties?

Navtej Sarna:
The Indian government has made its position quite clear that we are not in favour of any hostilities. We have made more than one statement on the issue. Our position on the situation in Middle East is very clear and we have reiterated it twice here. This is not a situation that the Indian government alone can control. This is a matter of concern for the entire international community and the entire international community is working towards bringing these hostilities to a halt. Our main concern is to make sure that any of the Indian citizens who wants to come out from there is brought back home safely.

Question: Do you have anything to say on the news reports about Khushab?

Navtej Sarna:
I have already answered that question. But let me add that people have been asking me if this is part of the list of nuclear installations that is exchanged on January 1. But I must tell you, that this is purely a list of coordinates of the nuclear facilities. It does not give details of the facilities.

Question: Do you have a reaction to Mr. Kasuri’s interview?

Navtej Sarna:
I will repeat it for you. Our position on the "substantive" issues involved there - we have already come out in the open and they are in the public domain. However, I yet do not have a reaction on this particular interview. If and when we have it, we will share it with you.

Question: Mr. Kasuri also said that India has given a non-paper to Pakistan on Kashmir specific issues?

Navtej Sarna:
I also understand that he mentions that it is through back channels. As Official Spokesperson, I cannot say anything about back channels. If I have a full reaction on what the interview says, which is in the public domain, I will share it with you.

Question: Post 7/11, after Musharraf’s offer for help in the investigation of Mumbai blasts, has there been any contact with Islamabad?

Navtej Sarna:
Not that I am aware of. I do not quite know what you mean by contact. But if you are asking me if there has been any high-level discussion, high-level talk, any high-level telephone call, the answer is no, not to my knowledge.

Question: I am asking about official channels…

Navtej Sarna:
We have said very clearly that this offer that if we get proof we will cooperate does not give us any satisfaction because we have had this experience in the past, most recently, at the Home Secretary’s meeting in May this year when evidence was given and it did not lead to much.

Question: Has the High Commissioner of India in Islamabad shared with their Foreign Office our apprehensions on this matter?

Navtej Sarna: We have stated quite clearly that the giving of evidence, we do not have a good experience of. We have also said that since President Musharraf has said this, we will continue to see if necessary to share evidence and that if it leads to practical results. We have given very specific examples of what would increase the credibility of Pakistan’s offer and again I refer you to my briefing of last week where we gave at least three concrete examples. We said that if Pakistan delivers on them then we will know that Pakistan’s offer is credible.

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