
Clinton's Scoreboard

A quick assessment of how the American President scores on key issues of concern to both nations during his visit. Outlook rates him on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest level of satisfaction.

Political Ties: Regular summits, annual foreign policy and security dialogues 7
Business Ties: Progress but no big deals are signed, and major CEOs skip visit 5
CTBT:Indian position appreciated but pressure to sign the treaty 5
POSITION ON LOC: Reiteration of the line's sanctity, slight pro-India tilt. 6
POSITION ON KASHMIR:No mediation, but willing to help facilitate dialogue 6
TERRORISM: Indian workers acknowledged, Palkistan warned. 7
STRATEGIC TIE-UPS: Envisaged in Vision Statement, but unlikely soon. 5
ENVIRONMENT: Massive loans and grants mainly for clean air and energy 6
SANCTIONS: Many lifted but dual-use technology will still not be available to India 4
PERSONAL CHARM FACTOR: Fantastic: Easygoing body language had everyone gushing 9
TOTAL SCORE (Out of 100) 60
Slightly above average, though foundation laid for far  greater political and economic interaction
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