
Prachee Shah Paandya: OTT Has Changed The Game For Senior Actors

Prachee Shah Paandya is a hugely popular name when it comes to TV. However, she has slowly moved away from TV and has been doing considerably well in character roles in films. She speaks up about her work as a senior character artiste, the new-age OTT space, and lots more.

Prachee Shah Paandya, who was recently seen in ‘Chhatriwali’, has been one of the most popular actresses on television who made a successful transition to films. Despite being massively popular on TV, she moved on and decided to concentrate on films alone. She has been since doing small character roles in films and has received considerable fame even in that.

Talking to Prateek Sur, Prachee Shah Paandya speaks up about her work as a senior character artiste, the new-age OTT space, and lots more. Excerpts:

People always feel that it’s easy for character artists to get work. Even after being a senior actor, do you still have to go through auditions to get a role?

I wouldn't say it's very difficult and easy for a character actor. I think in today’s date it's pretty easy. It's just that there are a lot of platforms and a lot of work out there and of course a lot of actors as well. So yes, at times if there is a particular look that one has not seen me in. They do ask for look tests or auditions as you call for. And yes, we do have to. I’m okay with giving a look test completely because sometimes a director doesn't know you and would like to see you in a particular get up or that particular role you know. I have no qualms about giving an audition at all.

Is there enough work for senior actors?

Yes of course. OTT has changed the game for senior actors, there is a lot of work out there and a lot of different roles for different age groups. It's just that I still feel that there are these three demarcated platforms on the larger part that I'm saying where TV actors TV zone is a different zone. Web zone is a different zone. And films are a different zone. So I just feel an actor is an actor. And one should be treated like that. If the actor particularly suits a role. How does it matter whether the actor is coming from TV or films or web? It's not really been difficult. I'm still trying to crack the web zone. I haven't really done anything in ‘web’. I'm looking forward to doing something really nice in 2023 which I shall talk about as soon as I can. But otherwise I have been grateful that I have done some really good films and of course a whole lot of television.


Are there times in between shows or films when you have to call up producers or directors and ask for work?

Actually, the whole phase has changed. I mean of course if you know certain directors or producers who you worked with and you have a rapport with them you know there is always a nice sweet friendly call that you make just to say hi and to find out what's happening or you can also inform them on what's happening with you but yes most of the things now we done by these casting directors who are in charge of particular projects so that's the only way today.

Being a character artiste, is it difficult to have a steady income so as to raise a family?

I just feel there are always highs and lows for an actor particularly in this industry especially if you are a character actor and you are not a hero or the heroine. Yes of course I feel one should just be a really. If you manage your expenses well. It shouldn't be difficult. I have a very simple living. I guess I have never really faced some major issues. If you are wise enough and you manage your time and your money well, then I think it's a great place to be in.


Has OTT changed the game for senior actors? Are you’ll getting better roles now to portray onscreen?

Yes, OTT has changed the game for senior actors. There are a whole lot of roles out there for the older senior actors’ category, for different age groups. A lot of new kinds of work are being done. So it's definitely a great space to be in. And I am getting good offers and I’m hoping to crack most of them. I am really looking forward to it.

You do theatre, you do TV, you do films, you do OTT – what sort of differences do you see in each of these mediums? How are they different from each other?

Yes I don't really do theatre. I'm a classical kathak dancer and I do a lot of shows and I hold the Guinness world record for 93 spins in a minute and done a whole lot of shows abroad. I do films and I do TV and ott. I think there is not much of a difference. It's the same thing really we work for 12 hours a day. It's a regular shift. It's just that the mediums are different. Sometimes the scripting is different. The shot taking is different. Creative slight differences in all the three mediums. Otherwise I think more or less is the same and stage is of course a different ball game because you are live on stage. It's a different kind of preparation.

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