
Killing Private Ryan

Spielberg's latest opus runs into trouble with Indian censors

AFTER playing rock paper scissors with the censor board for about half a year, Paramount and Dreamwork pictures may not be able to save Private Ryan. This, despite Paramount's general manager Sarabjit Singh's promise-'Indians will see the film without any cuts.' Spielberg had made it clear that he'll not screen Saving Private Ryan if any government chooses to cut some portions.

Guarding the supposedly frail sensibilities of Indians, the censor board's examining committee advised six cuts, three video and three audio. The video cuts include some of the most unforgettable scenes in a film many war veterans call 'educative'-those of a soldier struggling to put his intestines back; of a missile hitting a soldier and ripping off his arm and a wounded doctor guiding the soldiers to resurrect him. The audio cuts are dialogues involving 'bad language'. 'On the war front, nobody says 'please',' says Singh.

Paramount contested the cuts and the film was shown to a revising committee. Surprisingly, it advised the same cuts. Now the Film Certificate Appellate Tribunal will see the film on March 8.

This film has been shown without cuts in many countries without any bar of age. Which means either we grow up fast, or the Censor Board. Who cares for Pirate Ryan, better still to see a dubbed one.

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