
International Tiger Day: TV Celebs Share Experiences Of Their Tiger Safaris And The Need To Save The Endangered Species

Celebs Siddharth Arora, Ashna Kishore and Aasif Sheikh speak up about their experiences of Tiger Safaris on International Tiger Day, which is held worldwide on July 29.

International Tiger Day, also known as Global Tiger Day, is an annual celebration to raise awareness for tiger conservation, held every year on the July 29. The day aims to help promote a worldwide system whereby we are dedicated to protecting tigers and their natural habitats .

To mark this day, celebs talk about their experiences of tiger safaris and wildlife tours along with the need to protect these endangered species.

Aasif Sheikh

I am simply in love with this species.
The way they walk and their actions fascinate me.
I witnessed tigers in Jim Corbett National Park, where my friends and I went to explore nature.
We were there for almost four to five days to witness tigers.
Seeing a tiger in a tiger reserve is an exciting and thrilling experience compared to watching them in any zoo.
They are the supreme and apex predators with a lot of charisma.
My friends and I were fortunate enough to witness a tigress and her cubs during our safari.
I wished I could pick them up and take them home.
Recently, in my show 'Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai', I was donned as a tiger, and I enjoyed playing it, and roaring like an exotic tiger made me feel amazing.

Ashna Kishore

Honestly, it is not so often that you will see a tiger chasing down prey for the very first time in your life.
I am among the few fortunate to witness the whole sequence of hunting and preying in Tadoba National Park in Maharashtra with my family.
While on our safari, we all saw a tiger in ambush, focusing on his prey.
He was waiting patiently for us.
And at the right moment, he sprints at the unsuspecting prey.
The whole episode was nothing less than an exciting experience.
I was scared to watch this chasing and killing sequence as a child.
Today I feel very lucky, and I keep sharing and flaunting my experience with friends.
I am also very proud of the initiative taken by our Indian government to protect these endangered wild cats.

Siddharth Arora

Tigers are one of the most unique and amazing species and one of nature's most beautiful and powerful creations.
They are the reason wildlife lovers and wanderlust like me spend hours and days trying to get a glimpse of this animal on jungle safaris.
Though they are very unpredictable, I still remember how I suddenly saw a giant white tiger in Bandhavgarh, Madhya Pradesh.
Seeing a white tiger in this distance was my first experience, and I was lost in his beauty.
He was walking on the main road like a model who was walking on a ramp.
I also posted this on my social media as well.
There is always a surprise and joy element in this tiger safari, and one must surely do it once in their lifetime.
By protecting wild tigers and their habitats, we also save thousands of living organisms, including ourselves.

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