New bi-weekly train between Kalka and Katra

Good news for pilgrims visiting Vaishno Devi shrine in Jammu and Kashmir
New bi-weekly train between Kalka and Katra

A bi-weekly train will be running between Kalka in Haryana and Katra, the nearest railhead to the shrine. It will take approximately 10 hours one way. Train number 14503 will depart from Kalka on Tuesday and Friday at 7 pm and arrive at Katra the next day at 4.45 am. Train number 14504 will leave from Katra on Wednesday and Saturday at 9.30 pm and reach Kalka at 7.50 am the next day. In between, the trains will stop at Chandigarh, Mohali, Morinda, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Pathankot, Jammu, and Udhampur.

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