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29th Feb
Sheraton Hyderabad
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About the event
The first edition of Education conclave is an annual event that will throws light on Technology in education with integration of various technological tools and resources to enhance the teaching and learning experience. This integration has transformed traditional education methods and opened up new possibilities for both educators and students.
Some key points will be discussed during this conclave:
Access to Information
Technology provides students with easy access to a vast amount of information, facilitating research and self-directed learning.
Interactive Learning
Educational technology offers interactive and engaging learning experiences. Interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and multimedia presentations enable educators to create dynamic lessons that cater to different learning styles.
Assessment and Analytics
Educational technology provides tools for efficient assessment and analytics. Automated grading systems, data analytics, and learning management systems help educators track student progress, identify areas for improvement, and make data-informed decisions.
Collaborative Tools
Technology facilitates collaboration among students and educators. Online forums, collaborative documents, and communication tools enable seamless interaction, fostering teamwork and peer-to-peer learning.
Who Should Attend?
Chairperson, Vice Chancellors, Directors, Deans, and Registrars of Top institutions in India
Decision makers, Policy makers and Govt officials’ functionaries
Controller of Examination, Vice Chancellor Private University
Company Representatives Making Products and Services for Education
University Professors, Teachers, Principals
Why Attend?
Exclusive Presentations opportunity in front of the government dignitaries
Be part of panel discussions with government dignitaries and top university leaders
Round Table Meeting
with University Vice Chancellors from
across India
Networking with Key Government Officials
from across India
Round Table 1
Tech Tools and Future of Examination Processes
Exploring the role of technology in shaping modern examination methods.
Assessing the impact of digital tools on question paper setting, evaluation, and result processing.
Discussing challenges and opportunities in adopting online examination systems.
Round Table 2
Regulatory Frontiers: Navigating the Digital Landscape
Exploring the regulatory aspects of technology integration in education.
Examining the role of regulatory bodies in ensuring the integrity and security of online examinations.
Discussing policies and frameworks to adapt to the dynamic landscape of educational technology.
Round Table 3
Innovations in Ed Tech: Collaborative Solutions for Academic Excellence
Showcasing innovative technologies transforming educational practices.
Discussing successful case studies of Ed Tech collaborations in the education sector.
Exploring the future of technology-driven academic collaborations and partnerships.
Summit Registration
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