Outlook Spotlight

Emphasis On The Role Of Nutrition And Healthy Diet During The COVID-19 Pandemic By Dean BBAU: Prof. Sunita Mishra

In 2019, a novel virus became known to the World, and the origins were traced to China. The disease spread by this new/novel virus was named COVID-19, i.e. CoronaVirus Disease 2019.


Emphasis On The Role Of Nutrition And Healthy Diet During The COVID-19 Pandemic By Dean BBAU: Prof. Sunita Mishra

COVID – 19 was declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization, keeping in mind the World's grappling with the inevitable threat caused by this virus to humankind.

We are aware that vaccines were recently developed, and a drug is available for the treatment of COVID-19.

Despite this, maintaining a healthy diet is very important during the COVID-19 pandemic. No food or dietary supplements can prevent COVID-19 infection. Thus, maintaining a healthy diet is an important part of supporting a strong immune system.

Good nutrition is important before, during and after an infection. Infection takes a toll on the body, especially when these cause fever and the body requires extra energy and nutrients. Hence, maintaining a healthy and nutritious diet is essential during this pandemic. Although no foods or dietary supplements can prevent COVID-19 infection, your diet is an important part as it supports a strong immune system.


Similar work has been Published by   Prof. Sunita Mishra & Monika Patel on the topic: 'Role of Nutrition on the immune system during Covid-19 pandemic' and by Sanjeet Kureel and Prof. Sunita Mishra on Topic: 'Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Lifestyle and Wellbeing of Population'.


✔  Several Herbs like garlic, basil leaves and black cumin. Mushrooms, tomatoes, bell peppers and green vegetables like broccoli and spinach.

✔  Certain seeds and nuts like sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds and melon seeds are excellent sources of protein and vitamin E.

✔  Probiotics like Yoghurt, Yakult and fermented food are excellent sources to rejuvenate the composition of gut bacteria, which is important for nutrient absorption by the body.


✔  Some natural immunity supplements include ginger, gooseberries (amla) and turmeric.


ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and is correlated with antioxidants and their overall capacity in the human body to prevent and eliminate the dangerous effects of free radicals and prevent it from attacking healthy cells. Examples of free radicals include toxins, chemicals or pollutants that appear in our bodies from the foods we eat and the environment that we live. Think of free radicals as little unstable troublemaker cells that can be dangerous and cause damage to our bodies. Maintaining good health and enhancing recovery means keeping these cells under control. Eating foods with a high ORAC value is one way to do so.

The immune system is the sole organization of different organs and cells. Every individual performs their action in an orchestral way to protect the host from non-self particles, i.e. viruses, microbes, fungi, parasites, etc. Our body requires a vast variety of micro (i.e. vitamins and minerals) as well as macro (like carbohydrate, protein, fat) nutrients to synthesize different kinds of immune cells. Garlic, Basil leaves, and Black pepper are some of the proven ancient herbs that boost immunity.

5 healthy eating tips DURING COVID-19

  1. Maintain a balanced fruit and vegetable intake.
  2. Swap in healthy dried or canned alternatives when fresh produce is not available.
  3. Build up a stock of healthy snacks.
  4. Limit highly processed foods.
  5. Make cooking and eating fun and meaningful part of your family routine.


When dealing with a devious disease like COVID- 19, it's best to take a firm stand because 'Prevention is better than cure'. Make sure that hygiene practices are in place. So, eat and stay healthy, avoid crowded places and close contact with anyone. Many countries around the World have already enforced movement restrictions, including working from home, so don't take a chance, and stay home, stay safe.





