
'Beginning Of The Belief'

After India's win, the teams from the region began to feel they could win. Pakistan finally won in 1992, and Sri Lanka in 1996...


'Beginning Of The Belief'

Outlook talked with several World Cup stars to discuss the key moments ofthe final and the tournament. Excerpts

Cricket was indeed played before the win and, yes, there was glamour in thegame. But this was something unforeseen. The cricket we have today, itsbeginning was made in 1983. Probably, it was the beginning of the belief amongplayers that they could achieve anything in any form of the cricket, that theycould reach the top.

The craze for cricket started then. One-day cricket became more popular and moreand more people started playing the game. Media also became better. Theattention was on the game, and people began to feel that if we can achievesomething in the game, in sport, why could we not do something in other thingsas well?

There was talent in Asia, but it never seemed to come together at the righttime. But after India's win, the teams from the region began to feel they couldwin. Pakistan had done very well in the past, they'd reached the semifinals...Then they finally won in 1992, and Sri Lanka in 1996.

I always believed in playing without fear. I've always believed that he whofears is dead: jo dar gaya woh mar gaya. So to win, you have to give upfear, and even if you have to risk something, you must do that.


(As told to Rohit Mahajan)






