Business Spotlight

From Being Persecuted To Acquiring Over 35k Admirers, Anureet Sandhu Recounts Her Pathway To Be An Influencer

Today, let's meet Anureet Sandhu, a vivacious and ever-smiling Punjabi influencer who has defied all difficulties to get to where she is today. Positive energy radiated from her flamboyance and confidence as she entered the room.


Anureet Sandhu, Influencer

It's tricky for folks to realise the actual narrative underlying just an image when your entire career is predicated on Instagram and social media content.

Even though the wild world of influencers is still a fairly young sector that several individuals fail to grasp, it has grown to be worth an estimated $7 billion or more per year. Becoming an influencer is much more than just uploading a snapshot and witnessing the revenue pour in, regardless if it isn't a conventional 9-to-5 employment.

Instagram has grown into a global social media standard since its inception over a decade ago, aided by its relationship with Facebook. However knowing the ideal days and times to post on Instagram isn't enough; you also need to know how to leverage your skills to become a must-follow!


Several of the bloggers you see today provide an example of self-sustenance and acts as an inspiration for businesses on how to establish their brand on Instagram. As it is said "It will not happen overnight, as with all good things. It shouldn't, because you're attempting to improve your skills, not just do it."

Today, we meet with Anureet Sandhu, a vivacious and ever-smiling Punjabi influencer who has defied all difficulties to get to where she is today. Positive energy radiated from her flamboyance and confidence as she entered the room.

Her videos are based and thought around fashion, skincare, fitness, dressing up is one her favourite content bucket to work on.Anureet is a Lifestyle and fitness influencer who strongly believes in quality content over quantity.She quotes “Knowing what's going on in your sector is essential for creating amazing content that genuinely resonates with your target audience. As well as the finest content creators explore the internet for industry news and trends, not simply read them.”


Ms Sandhu is a simple and sweet girl with an engineering background, but her passion for clothing, fashion, and beauty inspired her to take the next step and pursue a career in content production. Her life hasn't always been a piece of chocolate cake, as she recounted with us, beginning with being harassed and fat shamed for being overweight by not just her classmates and friends, but also her dearest relatives, who would look down on her and make jokes about her appearance. It took her over 5 years to overcome her obstacles and demonstrate to the world that the additional inches, angles, and colour of her skin do not define a person's talents.

Anureet isn't simply a content producer for the sake of fame and followers; she's on a mission to tell her experience and encourage all the ladies who have faced similar challenges to rise up and prove their value to the world. She is certain that no one will know you or your gift unless you return it to them. A weak heart would lock itself in a room and sob at the circumstance, but a strong heart with a focused mind would jump out the window and dig their road to victory.
She further revealed with us her skill in the foreign language of French, for which she has been working as a precovid tutor. Apart from that, she enjoys shopping and getting into her car for a good warm cup of coffee, which she modestly admits she enjoys. Travelling is one of her adventurous streaks; she is a major solo traveller, and she feels that travel offers you perspective and experience, which moulds your personality and allows you to absorb real-life lessons.


Anureet is definitely an astounding and happy soul, we loved the conversation with her over her favourite cup of coffee and cookies. 

Do follow and check her out for some amazing snaps, which brighten your day.
